FETCH API in JavaScript.

FETCH API in JavaScript.

introduction and usages with example!

Fetch API in a nutshell, I have used it many times in small-scale projects. The JSON part can be irritating though but it is still worth using it!


Fetch API is used to make HTTP requests, It has more power and flexibility as compared to AJAX. Fetch returns a Promise as the requests get loaded. The first parameter it takes is the URL we want to request.



We can pass an object as a second parameter with additional options as a property. I like the method, body, headers, etc.

const obj = {

method "POST",

body: JSON.stringify({name:"riteshkumar"}), 
headers : {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json'

Once the request is fulfilled then you have two options either to convert the response into text or JSON. We can do that by using text() and JSON () methods on the returned response. now again, text() and json() also returns a promise.

Conclusion: The fetch method can be intimidating to use at first but as you practice more you will grow to like it more and more, the most useful thing is it can solve your long data fetching very easily. I hope that by reading the blogs you grow to like the fetch method more. You will find it more interesting and helpful with that I want to end this blog.

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Wishing you a great JavaScript day ahead!

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